Handling Leaf Curling in Snake Plants [Expert Tips for a Thriving Indoor Garden]

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, are popular houseplants due to their low maintenance requirements and ability to purify indoor air quality. However, one issue that snake plant owners may occasionally face is the curling or wrinkling of their plant’s leaves. This can be a cause for concern, as it may indicate an underlying problem that needs to be addressed to maintain the health and beauty of your snake plant.

Curling snake plant leaves

In this article, we will discuss the common reasons behind leaf curling or wrinkling in snake plants and provide effective solutions to help you handle these issues. By understanding the possible causes and applying the appropriate remedies, we can ensure our snake plants continue to thrive and contribute to a pleasant indoor environment.

Recognizing and Understanding Leaf Curling or Wrinkling in Snake Plants

Identifying Curling Leaves and Their Causes

In snake plants, curling leaves can be a sign of various issues that we need to address promptly. It’s essential to identify the causes of curled or wrinkled leaves to take the proper action. Some common factors leading to leaf curling include overwatering, underwatering, extreme temperatures, exposure to direct or indirect sunlight, and pests or diseases.

Understanding the Role of Overwatering and Underwatering

Overwatering and underwatering are two common causes of curling leaves in snake plants. When we overwater our plants, it can lead to root rot, a condition that causes leaves to curl, become mushy, and change color. On the contrary, underwatering can cause leaves to curl due to a lack of moisture.


  • Leaves become yellow and mushy
  • Root rot is a potential symptom
  • Use well-draining soil to prevent excess moisture


  • Leaves curl and become dry
  • Brown tips or edges are possible signs
  • Provide regular watering and proper drainage

The Effect of Extreme Temperatures and Sunlight

Extreme temperatures and exposure to sunlight can also contribute to leaf curling or wrinkling in snake plants. To maintain the health of our plants, we should keep them in a temperature range between 70-90°F (21-32°C). Both exposure to direct sunlight and lack of sunlight can be harmful to our snake plants.

Direct Sunlight:

  • Causes leaf scorching and curling
  • Symptoms include dry, brown spots
  • Ensure plants receive indirect sunlight

Indirect Sunlight:

  • Important for proper growth
  • Place plants near a well-lit window
  • Rotate the plant occasionally to promote even growth

Impact of Pests and Diseases on Leaf Curl and Wrinkle

Pests and diseases can also lead to curled or wrinkled leaves in snake plants. We should be vigilant in detecting early signs of infestation or infection. Common pests include thrips and signs of diseases, such as red leaf spot.


  • Examine plants for signs of thrips or other insects
  • Treat infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil


  • Look for symptoms such as red leaf spot
  • Use a fungicide or a proper treatment to address the issue

By understanding the causes and signs of leaf curling or wrinkling in snake plants, we can make better decisions on their care. Cultivating healthy plants requires knowledge, observation, and appropriate action to ensure their long-term growth and success.

Steps to Manage and Prevent Leaf Curling or Wrinkling in Snake Plants

Proper Watering and Soil Conditions

Curling snake plant leaves due to disease

One of the primary causes of leaf curling or wrinkling in snake plants is related to water problems. It is essential to ensure that the plants are not overwatered or underwatered. We can do this by following a regular watering schedule, ideally waiting for the soil to dry out before providing more water. Additionally, using a well-draining potting soil is vital to prevent waterlogging and root rot, as it allows excess water to drain away while retaining the right amount of moisture.

In terms of fertilization, snake plants require a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to promote healthy growth. Apply the fertilizer to the soil every 6 to 8 weeks, ensuring that the correct dosage is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Ideal Temperature and Lighting

Snake plants thrive in a range of temperatures and lighting conditions. They are quite hardy and can tolerate different degrees of temperature and sunlight, but it is essential to maintain a suitable environment to prevent leaf curling. Ideally, their temperature range should be between 70 and 90° Fahrenheit (21 to 32° Celsius) during the day, with a slight drop in temperature during the night.

Place your snake plants in a location that receives indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to curl and yellow, while insufficient light can lead to stunted growth. Keeping them in areas with bright, indirect light will prevent leaf curling and promote healthy growth.

Pest and Disease Control Measures

Pest infestations and diseases are other factors that can contribute to curled leaves in snake plants. Keep an eye out for pests like mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites, which can cause damage to the leaves and lead to curling or wrinkles. To control these pests, we recommend using neem oil as a natural insecticide, applying it to the affected areas according to the product instructions.

It is also essential to inspect your snake plants for signs of fungal infections. If you notice yellowing leaves along with leaf curling, it could be a symptom of fungus. Remove the affected leaves and treat the plant with a fungicide to prevent the spread of the disease.

A final measure to ensure the wellbeing of your snake plants is to regularly check their root systems, especially when repotting. Rootbound snake plants might experience leaf curling and other growth issues. If you notice that the roots have become too cramped in the current container, it’s time to repot your snake plant into a larger pot with fresh, well-draining soil.

By following these steps and taking proper care of watering, soil conditions, temperature, lighting, and pests, we can prevent and manage leaf curling or wrinkling in our snake plants, ensuring that these beautiful houseplants continue to thrive and brighten up our living spaces.